Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Ahh, consumerism. Society, built around stuff. Speaking of stuff:
I don't like to brag that much, but I got some more superspecialawesome stuff. First off, I got some more Halo: Reach stuff.

Yes, more. Though this time it wasn't free.
I actually got the game!!! YAY! I haven't been able to play much yet, but I will. Most definitely.
But that isn't even the highlight of this blog, and you know it has to be a big deal, if it's cooler than Halo: Reach.
I got a book. Not just any book, an amusing book with interesting facts. You might ask: "What the hell is the matter with you? Books are stupid, video games are better?" And if you did, you would be a jerk, and I wouldn't like you.
The best part of the book however, is that it is signed by this man:
The Great Jon Stewart

The Great Jon Stewart is the host of the hilarious show The Daily Show (redundancies are redundant). For those of you who don't know, which is no one, since you are the only one reading this, Aris. It is a show that "makes fun of" "news" channels like CNN, MSNBC, FOX, who insist on yelling their names. But it has become much more than a parody. It has become a reliable news source in and of itself.

He is also holding a rally in DC on the 30th of Oct- The Rally to Restore Sanity. It hold the belief of moderateness instead of extremism. So in honor of the rally, I wore my Slacker t-shirt, which is now officially the best shirt ever, because the Great Jon Stewart laughed when he saw it, out of amusement. That is a fact, so you can run and tell that, homeboy!

Also there was the entire writing staff of the book and the show. People whom I don't and I assume most fans of the show don't recognize. But part of the writers crew were also Wyatt Cenac (the black guy from the show) and John Oliver (the Brit).
Maybe black people aren't so bad after all....

So anyway, even if it isn't signed by such celebrities, the book  is still hilarious, and I suggest you buy it, or at least hang out in a book store and read it, you cheap bastard. Oh ya, the title is Earth (The Book): A Visitor's Guide to the Human Race
Where, oh where is Jon's signature? Oh where, oh where could it be?

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Movies, movies, and more movies

Saturday was an uneventful day full of video games (Record of Agarest War) and movies; five to be exact. Coincidentally two of them featured Jeff Daniels, the guy who wasn't Jim Carrey in Dumb & Dumber. He apparently is still in movies, more serious movies now though.

Best movie of the night was:
Ghost Town (2008)- Starring Ricky Gervais, with his typical dry, sarcastic humor. Genre wise it is a romcom, but not one of those horrible ones that have come out in recent years starring Katherine Heigl or Jennifer Aniston. Anyways, due to certain events, Frank (Gervais) is able to see ghosts who still hang out in NYC. They bother him, and through the movie, he learns to stop being a jerk, and in the end gets the girl. Typical-ish. But the great thing about the movie is Gervais' comedy. If you don't like his humor, then this movie isn't for you. 
Rating: 8/10
(I should probably explain my rating system....maybe another time)

#2. Paper Man (2009)- Starring Jeff Daniels and Emma Stone. He is an eccentric writer with writers block, she is a young girl. They develop a friendship, talk about life, and how sad it can be.  Ryan Renold's character is featured on the cover/poster, but he really seems tacked on, and there isn't a lot of him in the movie. Otherwise the acting is great, story- not so much. It isn't a great movie, but I am surprised that it only got 29% on RT 
Rating: 7/10

#3 The Lookout (2007) Starring Joseph-Gordon Levitt as a memory challenged person, and Jeff Daniels as a blind man. I don't like to spoil plots, unless they are formulaic, since it is better if you don't really know that much about it, so one an be surprised. So this movie is about Chris (Levitt), no relation, and his issues with life, as he copes with his condition. It isn't some depressing movie about a disabled person, there is some action as well.

 Rating: 7/10

#4 The Wackness (2008)- Stars Josh Peck (from Disney's Drake & Josh) as a weed dealer and Ben Kingsley as his psychologist, who he also sells marijuana to. It's a story of a disgruntled teenage drug dealer and his relationship with people, like Ben Kingsley's character, who is quite a peculiar person and isn't at all likable (the best part is that he quotes Gandhi at one point). So ya, nothing all that much happens, and the characters aren't all that sympathetic, but it does have a great hip-hop soundtrack.

Rating: 5/10

#5 Stir Crazy (1980)- A mostly slapstick comedy starring Richard Pryor and the always yelling Gene Wilder. It does have some funny moments, but most of the jokes fall flat. The plot is decent enough for the genre of movie that it is.

Rating 5/10

Hey, I wrote some movie reviews....look at that. Finally got around to it. Anyway, I hope they were informative, and I'll post something about my rating systems eventually.

My new set-up

So I headed down to my local Gamestop this morning... afternoon, since I woke up at around 12. And...
Good News Everyone!

The Halo: Reach ad-campaign is at an end, which means: Free Stuff! So I got some posters and my new xbox game rack.
So many things in this pic, you could play I spy

Had to walk 7 blocks with it, but it was sooo worth it. And you could have stuff like that too (not eggsacklee stuff like that, because they throw those stuff out if you aren't fast enough). All you have to do, is go to a Gamestop and ask if you can have the stuff when they're done. And if you aren't a complete jerk, they'll tell you when to come to pick up the stuff.

Life is good.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

'ello there

One of the greatest minds of my generation once said: "The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma".
So, I won't try to explain the workings of mind, as I probably can't due to my poor writing skills. But I could always write about my opinion on various things. Shouldn't be a problem, eh? And no I'm not Canadian; I'm an Estonian who is considered to be an American, and an American who is considered to be an Estonian. I'm also a college student, so what better to do, than procrastinate doing any work by playing video games and watching movies (simultaneously) and now, I guess, blogging. I used to hate blogging...I think I still do......I disguss me.{see what I did there?! it was like a combination of "discuss me", as I did in this blog post and "disgust me", as in the shame i feel for selling out and starting a blog. I'm hilarious.....just sayin'}