Saturday, September 25, 2010

'ello there

One of the greatest minds of my generation once said: "The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma".
So, I won't try to explain the workings of mind, as I probably can't due to my poor writing skills. But I could always write about my opinion on various things. Shouldn't be a problem, eh? And no I'm not Canadian; I'm an Estonian who is considered to be an American, and an American who is considered to be an Estonian. I'm also a college student, so what better to do, than procrastinate doing any work by playing video games and watching movies (simultaneously) and now, I guess, blogging. I used to hate blogging...I think I still do......I disguss me.{see what I did there?! it was like a combination of "discuss me", as I did in this blog post and "disgust me", as in the shame i feel for selling out and starting a blog. I'm hilarious.....just sayin'}

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