Sunday, September 26, 2010

My new set-up

So I headed down to my local Gamestop this morning... afternoon, since I woke up at around 12. And...
Good News Everyone!

The Halo: Reach ad-campaign is at an end, which means: Free Stuff! So I got some posters and my new xbox game rack.
So many things in this pic, you could play I spy

Had to walk 7 blocks with it, but it was sooo worth it. And you could have stuff like that too (not eggsacklee stuff like that, because they throw those stuff out if you aren't fast enough). All you have to do, is go to a Gamestop and ask if you can have the stuff when they're done. And if you aren't a complete jerk, they'll tell you when to come to pick up the stuff.

Life is good.

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