Saturday, November 6, 2010

10th Post!

Seems like a good time that, I, Chris, as the movie person that I am, talk about my, Chris's, favorite movies. 
Maybe a top 10 list or sth (something).

Buuuuuuuuut, I wont. I finally got to making clips of movies, as seen just moments ago. I tried VLC but the audio went out of sync, so I used Windows Movie Maker. It's not perfect, but it gets the job done.....sort of.

So now that I could make clips, I wish to issue an apology to the movie Good Burger. In my post about movie ratings, it was placed in the 7s category. Which caught the attention of my one follower, and so I watched it again, and elevated it's rating to a 9. Because of nostalgia, and one very important scene which I was reminded of:

Also, this blog post seems a bit short, so I'll include a movie review.

Everybody's Fine (2009)- So as seen on the poster, this movie has a great cast (I guess) Well, all the lead people have a movie that I gave a 10, well except one. With  the greeat Robert De Niro [(from all his great movies, Meet the Parents is the top one (and I know Deer Hunter and Taxi Driver are amazing, but they had issues)], Sam Rockwell (Moon), Kate Beckinsale (Underworld. Fuck Yeah!), and Drew Barreymore (I don't really like her, but she was in Donnie Darko which I gave a 9, so that's close).

But your mostly going to see little old Bobby, and the rest are there for only a scene or two. Of course this isn't necessarily a bad thing, since De Niro is great as usual. It's a story of an old widower who is trying to reconnect with his kids. It's sort of like About Schmidt (2002), but doesn't have the same effect as the other movie. It gets sad towards the end, and the final scene is sort of sappy, but it just isn't as powerful as the other movie I mentioned.
I'm so sad and lonely =(

The plot is decent enough, a person story. It has an underlying theme, and the acting is good. Its just missing a little something. It's not bad, but I recommend seeing About Schmidt instead if you want to see a film with a sad old person.
Well, maybe not soooo sad

Final Rating: 7

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