Saturday, April 2, 2011

Fails of some period of time

There was a Pokemon thing going on, but I was like fuck it. It's kinda hard to explain why some pokes are awesome. So instead I'll post some random pictures that I have taken myself. Original content, homeboy!

I just visited a Gamestop where they had this epic sale:

When you see it...

And for those of you slower viewers:

This looks like a normal US map puzzle right? Teaches kids geography, yay!

WRONG! Upon closer inspection there are two grave errors.


No state capitol for YOU!

And maybe you can find the second thing. (Click the map if you are having trouble. Then you can zoom in 'n such)

My photo collection isn't only of epic fails. But it also includes a win.

In the greatest game of Bananagrams ever played. I won with this as my final standing.

Notice the long-ass word it based on. And who cares that juxtaposition isn't a verb (juxtapose is) and that technically juxtapositioned isn't a word. At that point it doesn't matter. (To fix the problem, move quote to the O at the right of it [U left over] and move the ED and everything attached to it to the end of quack and place the U above the S in juxtaposition, so with very minimal change it is valid).

And for those of you not good at I Spy, here is the second error in the USA puzzle.

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