Monday, April 4, 2011

Spongebob! XVIII: Sandy and a sandy beach

Episode 18a: Texas

You know Sandy, the squirrel who lives in a dome under the sea? Well, she's from Texas. She gets homesick and decides to go back. Spongebob is like NO! and throws together a surprise party thingy for her. But is unable to stop her from leaving. Then Patrick comes to save the day:

How dare they insult the "great" state of Texas! So the two buffoons are quick to realize that they can use Sandy's strong sense of pride. So they continue with the insults, the best being:

And then she chases them, end up in the Kursty Krab and Sandy realizes that Bikini Bottom is her new home now.
Blah blah blah. 
Aired a lot, so maybe I am harder on it than other episodes. Decent, but not great.

Episode 18b: Walking Small

YAY! A Plankton episode.

So the evil mastermind wants to close the underwater beach, Goo Lagoon, and make a new restaurant. But he is small and people are in the way. He needs to recruit someone to get rid of the people. The way that he lures Spongebob in is one of my favorite scenes/lines of all-time.

So so tragic. Plankton eventually teaches Spongebob to be assertive, aka a jerk. But then Spongebob is like, that's mean, and brings them back to the beach with epic kindness. What a bitch!

Good episode, well for atleast that one scene. Though the montage of trying to make Spongebob mean is quite hilarious as well.

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