Saturday, January 29, 2011


Everybody love statistics right!?

Anyway, a recap of my top 20:

1. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
2. The Prestige
3. Léon (The Professional)
4. Fight Club
5. Full Metal Jacket
6. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
7. Batoru rowaiaru (Battle Royale)
8. The Matrix
9. The Truman Show
10. Scott Pilgrim vs The World

11. Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain (Amelie)
12. The Fox and the Hound
13. SLC Punk!
14. The Nightmare Before Christmas
15. About Schmidt
16. The Big Lebowski
17. Toy Story
18. American Beauty
19.Groundhog Day
20. Catch Me If You Can

The average year for my top 20 films is: 1996.5
Not a lot of older movie there. But I believe we shouldn't hold on to the classics in the way that people do. Like Citizen Kane: Yes, it may have been revolutionary in technique and the changed the way movies are made, but that doesn't mean it holds up to today standards; technology has advanced since then. I can appreciate it, but it isn't that enjoyable to watch and does not belong on my favorite list.

Also, my taste isn't really that bad. Taking the average of their ratings on IMDB and RT we get:
8.115 and 85.9%

And since we all like statistics, I also took an adjusted average or w.e. It's like they do in figure skating, where they discount to the highest and lowest score, so it's more average I guess. Well instead of 6 judges I have 20 movies, so I removed the top  and bottom 3 and got: 8.18 and 87.1%
The consensus is in: I have a good taste in movies.

And finally, I would like to shout out to other movies that got a 10 from me (there is 59 movies with that rating at the moment)

I have a couple Estonian movies. I may be a bit lenient in giving them 10s, but nonetheless, they are great:
29. Viimne reliikvia (The Last Relic) (1971)
37. Kohtumine tundmatuga (2005)
42. Sügisball (Autumn Ball) (2007)
56. Jan Uuspõld läheb Tartusse (186 Kilometers) (2007)

Also some movies that aren't considered so great that I love:

30. Underworld (2003)- I think I've mentioned this movie enough as to why it is so awesome
(31% on RT)

35. Dumb and Dumber (1994)- I don't understand why this movie was critically disliked; it is hilarious. It does have some dumb humor, but so many great quotable lines:

Oh, and also Jim Carrey.
(63% on RT, which isn;t tii bad, but this movie deserves so much more)

50. Cheats (2002)- A low budget high school comedy that is wonderful. It is pretty unknown. The leads haven't accomplished much after, though I have noticed them in one or two other great movies. It doesn't have a rating on RT though it does have only 4 reviews all rotten. And only has 5.9 on IMDB.

57. Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus (2009)- Just as the title explains, this is a movie that defines the genre "so bad it's good". Not a big fan of that genre, but this movie is hilarious. The over acting, the cheesey special effects, the ludicrous plot and inconsistencies, and this:
(RT: 16%)

SO there. That's done with.

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